
Legal Resources for Missouri Residents

When preparing to engage in legal proceedings, there are a number of resources available to you and your attorney, so you can be sure you’re up-to-date and informed. The experienced, trustworthy attorneys at Walther, Antel & Stamper will help you make the most of the resources on our site. For more information, please check any of the following links:

Why Choose Walther, Antel & Stamper?

At Walther, Antel & Stamper, we are dedicated to providing compassionate, effective representation.
When you hire us, you can expect:


We are committed to providing you with the resources and services of experienced attorneys.


Our objective in representing clients is to obtain favorable results while delivering a personal touch to make any situation you’re facing easier to endure.


The professionals at Walther, Antel & Stamper have been representing clients in Missouri for over three decades.

Attention to Detail

With legal matters, the details are critical. 
Our approach reflects our commitment to you. We are driven to make sure that all of the details are there.


We have built a reputation for performing our job with the utmost respect for both the law and our clients.


We work with each of our clients to craft a tailored legal strategy while helping them understand and navigate the legal system successfully.

Make An Appointment

The use of the Internet or this form for communication with Walther, Antel & Stamper or any individual member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Representation must be confirmed through a written agreement with Walther, Antel & Stamper. Without such agreement, information provided on this form does not prevent us from representing another client adverse to you. Use caution in communicating over the internet. Confidential and sensitive information should not be provided on this form.

Contact Walther, Antel, & Stamper to make an appointment (573) 442-2454 
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